Jan 30, 2011

ICE Explorer Beta Version

ICE Explorer Beta 1
The alpha version of ICE Explorer has been out for almost a month and it's time for a new version! The new beta version of ICE Explorer is available here and contains many bug fixes and UI features such as drag and drop and multi-file dialog for loading .icecache files. The UI has also been revamped a bit with a new layout.

The next drop (in a month or so) should contain some improvements for speeding up the loading of .icecache files and to better manage the memory when deailing with huge cache files. 

Python Package Binaries for Windows
For those of you who need to get the windows binaries of your favorites python extension packages but don't have everything setup to compile them, here's a great site where to grab them. Many open source python packages can be found there. 

Jan 10, 2011

ICE Explorer on-line

The ICE Explorer application and source code is now available here!

Have a nice day!


Jan 3, 2011

Bonne année!

To start this new year, I've decided to create this blog for sharing some information and thoughts about python coding in general and some software projects of mine.

My current project is ICE Explorer. The project involves writing a tool in python for displaying Softimage ICE cache data in a standalone OpenGL application. The tool reads ICE cache data files and display the data in an OpenGL 3D view. The tool is using PyOpenGL for viewing the 3D data and PyQt for the UI.

My goals with this project is to mainly experiment with python technologies such as PyOpenGL, numpy and PyQT and also to provide a tool to the community for handling ICE cache data in a 3D portable application.

This blog is intended to communicate programming ideas and to provide statuses on my projects. It's certainly not a daily diary, so you should expect some delays between posts! One of my goal for this month is to host the ICE Explorer code inside google.code to allow people to use the application and maybe to contribute as developers on the project.

Here's a screenshot of the tool:

Have a nice day!